Justagg - Digital Business Card

Paper business cards and leads

Paper business cards are not the solution for lead generation. Because of this, many people have started to use NFC business cards to help them get more leads.

How paper business cards are not resulting in leads

Paper business cards are not effective. They’re expensive, get lost or damaged, and need to be more environmentally friendly. With so many other options available today, why would you print an old-fashioned paper business card?

NFC business cards are a solution to it

NFC business cards are a solution to it. They allow you to connect with your customers like no other type of card can. NFC business cards are more than just business cards. They’re a great way to build relationships and drive revenue on the spot. Compared with QR codes and barcodes, NFC is twice as likely to be scanned by consumers and four times as likely for them to interact with the content found on it.

It’s important to have a good design because people will remember that design.

It’s important to have a good design because people will remember that design. Does this sound obvious? Well, it’s only sometimes true. If you have hundreds of business cards in your wallet, it’s hard to know which. The same happens with all branding materials, including websites, packaging and logos. So if someone is looking at all these different things and trying to decide whether or not they want to work with you (or buy from you), there needs to be something about your brand that stands out from the rest and makes it memorable.

A memorable design often does better than an ordinary one because people will remember it more easily when they need your services or refer others who might need them.

A good business card will give you an advantage in negotiation.

A good business card will give you an advantage in negotiation.

If you are a salesperson, having a great business card can make all the difference in closing the deal. A well-designed business card is like having a cheat sheet for your product or service. You can use it to give potential clients something that shows their interest in what you’re offering and makes them think of you as professional and serious about making money with your company’s services or products. a


A good business card is an investment in your success. It should have a strong design and be easy to read. The person receiving it should be able to quickly understand who you are and what you do so that they can decide whether or not they want to engage further with your company.

If your business card is going to be the first impression someone has of your brand, it must make a good one!


Even though we’re big fans of digital marketing, technology can’t replace some things. Good old-fashioned paper business cards can be great for connecting with potential customers. Whether you hand them out at events or leave them on restaurant tables, they will always draw attention from others who have never heard about your brand.

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